Maskinteknik – Övningar i maskinrumssimulator 4

Kurskod M111404
Studiepoäng 4

Efter avslutad kurs skall den studerande ha färdigheter i enlighet med
tillämpliga delar av STCW-10, Kapitel III sektion A-III/2 samt därtill
ytterligare ha fördjupat sina kunskaper beträffande drift av fartygets
maskinanläggningar och ha mycket goda insikter i nationella – och
internationella bestämmelser.


-Operativ drift med olika simulatorfartyg
-Scenarios med tillhörande driftsstörningar
-Kyltekniska övningar
-Bränsle- och ballasthantering
-Interna kommunikationssystem på fartyg
-Elsystem på fartyg
-Automations, -övervaknings-, manöver- och alarmsystem på fartyg
-Identifiering av driftstörningar och säkerställande av drift
-Utvärdering och optimering av maskinsystemens driftförhållanden


Obligatorisk närvaro


VG, G (för betygssättning)




Utbildningsprogrammet för maskinteknik


Examination genom kontinuerlig utvärdering, uppkörningsprov samt
obligatoriska övningsuppgifter

Kurslitteratur och studiematerial

Artikelsamling, Uppgiftsbeskrivning

Undervisningsmaterial (högskolan tillhandahåller)

Maskinrumssimulatorer, artikelsamling, uppgiftsbeskrivning


Övningar i maskinrumssimulator 1, 2 och 3


Godkänt vitsord noteras i studiekort
. VG, G, U (Vid validering används vitsordet Godkänd)


Simulatorövningar inkluderande obligatoriska övningsuppgifter


I kursen ingår praktiska moment enligt kursförteckning.

Management A-III/2
Function: Marine engineering at the management level
Plan and schedule operations.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Refrigerators and refrigeration cycle.
Operation, surveillance, performance assessment and maintaining safety of propulsion plant and auxiliary machinery.

Practical knowledge
Start up and shut down main propulsion and auxiliary machinery, including associated systems.
Operating limits of propulsion plant.
The efficient operation, surveillance, performance assessment and maintaining safety of propulsion plant and auxiliary machinery.
Functions and mechanism of automatic control for main engine.

Gnerator distribution systems.
Steam boilers.
Oil purifier.
Refrigeration system.
Pumping and piping systems.
Steering gear system.
Cargo-handling equipment and deck machinery.

Manage fuel, lubrication and ballast operations.

Practical knowledge
Operation and maintenance of machinery, including pumps and piping systems.

Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the management level

Manage operation of electrical and electronic control equipment.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Theoretical knowledge Marine electrotechnology, electronics, power electronics, automatic control engineering and safety devices.
Design features and system configurations of automatic control equipment and safety devices for the following.
Main engine.
Generator and distribution system.
Steam boiler.
Design features and system configurations of operational control equipment for electrical motors.
Design features of high-voltage installations.
Features of hydraulic and pneumatic control equipment.


Manage trouble-shooting, restoration of electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition.

Practical knowledge
Troubleshooting of electrical and electronic control equipment.
Function test of electrical, electronic control equipment and safety devices. Troubleshooting of monitoring systems
Software version control.

Function: Maintenance and repair at the management level
Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Practical knowledge Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage.
Inspection and adjustment of equipment.

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the management level
Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Methods and aids to prevent pollution of the environment by ships.

Utskriven 08 maj 2024 kl 08:46