Maskinteknik – Swedish for Beginners

Kurskod Y002202
Studiepoäng 3

At the end of the course a student is expected to know:
– the Swedish culture in Finland
– similarities between the Swedish language and other Germanic languages as well as the strong
influence of Latin loan words
– how to use Swedish in service situations and for facilitating contacts with locals
– Swedish as it is used in academic courses within the student’s field of specialisation.


– training of phrases in relevant situations
– the historical and cultural background of expressions
– social, daily life, spare-time, and work-related vocabulary
– excursions and practical training of social and daily life situations
– games, story-telling and outdoor activities
– notes on politics, sports, literature and music
– basic grammar as a comparative study.


Presence at all exercises


VG, G (för betygssättning)


Two written exams, oral and written assignments.

Kurslitteratur och studiematerial

Materials made available on the collaboration platform


Basic computer skills, competence in English.


Reading, writing, listening, speaking, the pedagogy of the error, songs,
comparisons with other languages.

Utskriven 25 april 2024 kl 09:15