Elektroteknik – Fartygsautomation 1

Kurskod E117502
Studiepoäng 4

Efter avslutad kurs skall den studerande behärska automationssystem på fartyg i enlighet med STCW 2010, Kapitel III, sektion A-III/6.


– alarm- och säkerhetssystem
– automation för periodvis obemannat maskinrum, klassningsregler
– generatorautomation – Power Management för olika fartygstyper
– varvtals- och spänningsstatik
– propellerkurvor
– manöversystem för huvudmaskineri kopplat till fast respektive ställbar propeller
– processreglering för tekniska system på fartyg
– pump-, kompressor- och separatorautomation
– automation för fartygsångpannor (on/off, kontinuerlig reglering, nivåreglering)
– common rail-system
– brand- och gasalarmsystem
– automationssystem för LNG-drift
– oil mist detection
– integrerade övervakningssystem – Integrated Automation System (IAS)


Obligatorisk närvaro vid simulatorövningar


VG, G (för betygssättning)




Utbildningsprogrammet för elektroteknik


Skriftligt prov, godkända simulator- och projektuppgifter

Kurslitteratur och studiematerial


Undervisningsmaterial (högskolan tillhandahåller)


Godkänt vitsord i Övningar i maskinrumssimulator 1


Kursvitsord noteras i studiekort


öreläsningar, simulatorövningar, projektuppgifter


I kursen ingår praktiska moment enligt kursförteckning.


Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the operational level

Monitor the operation of electrical, electronic and control systems.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Basic understanding of the operation of mechanical engineering systems, including.
6 hotel systems.
Electrical power distribution boards and electrical equipment.
Electrical drives.
Appreciation of the hazards and precautions required for the operation of power systems above 1,000 volts.
Operate generators and distribution systems.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Coupling, load sharing and changing over generators.
Coupling and breaking connection between switchboards and distribution panels.

Operate and maintain power systems in excess of 1,000 volts.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Theoretical knowledge High-voltage technology.
Safety precautions and procedures.
Electrical propulsion of the ships, electrical motors and control systems. Practical knowledge Safe operation and maintenance of high-voltage systems, including knowledge of the special technical type of high- voltage systems and the danger resulting from operational voltage of more than 1,000 volts.

Function: Maintenance and repair at the operational level
Maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Safety requirements for working on shipboard electrical systems, including the safe isolation of electrical equipment required before personnel are permitted to work on such equipmen.

Detection of electric malfunction, location of faults and measures to prevent damage. Function and performance tests of the following equipment and their configuration.

-monitoring systems.
-automatic control devices.
-protective devices.
The interpretation of electrical and electronic diagrams.

Maintenance and repair of bridge navigation equipment and ship communication systems.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Knowledge of the principles and maintenance procedures of navigation equipment, internal and external communication systems.
Theoretical knowledge.
-Electrical and electronic systems operating in flammable areas.

Maintenance and repair of control and safety systems of hotel equipment.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Theoretical knowledge.
-Electrical and electronic systems operating in flammable areas.


Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the operational level
Monitor the operation of electrical, electronic and control systems.

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Basic understanding of the operation of mechanical engineering systems, including.
-steering systems
Knowledge of:
-Fundamentals of automation, automatic control systems and technology
-Instrumentation, alarm and monitoring systems
Monitor the operation of automatic control systems of propulsion and auxiliary machinery.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Preparation of control systems of propulsion and auxiliary machinery for operation.
Operate generators and distribution systems.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Coupling, load sharing and changing over generators.
Operate and maintain power systems in excess of 1,000 volts.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Electrical propulsion of the ships, electrical motors and control systems.
Practical knowledge
Safe operation and maintenance of high-voltage systems, including knowledge of the special technical type of high- voltage systems and the danger resulting from operational voltage of more than 1,000 volts.

Function: Maintenance and repair at the operational level

Maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Function and performance tests of the following equipment and their configuration:

-monitoring systems
-automatic control devices
-protective devices

Maintenance and repair of automation and control systems of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Safety and emergency procedures
Test, detect faults and maintain and restore electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition.


Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the support level

Safe use of electrical equipment
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
-Safe use and operation of electrical equipment, including:
.1 safety precautions before commencing work or repair.
.2 isolation procedures.
.3 emergency procedures.
.4 different voltages on board.

Contribute to monitoring the operation of electrical systems and machinery.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
-Basic knowledge of the operation of mechanical engineering systems, including:
.1 prime movers, including main propulsion plant.

Basic knowledge of:

.2 electrical power distribution boards and electrical equipment.
.7 coupling, load sharing and changes in electrical configuration.

Function: Maintenance and repair at the support level

Contribute to the maintenance and repair of electrical systems and machinery on board.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Safety and emergency procedures
Basic knowledge of electro-technical drawings and safe isolation of equipment and associated systems required before personnel are permitted to work on such plant or equipment.
Test, detect faults and maintain and restore electrical control equipment and machinery to operating condition.
Electrical and electronic equipment operating in flammable areas.

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the support level

Apply occupational health and safety procedures.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
-Working knowledge of safe working practices and personal shipboard safety, including: .1 electrical safety.
.2 lockout/tag-out.
.4 permit to work systems.


Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the support level

Contribute to monitoring the operation of electrical systems and machinery.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
-Basic knowledge of the operation of mechanical engineering systems, including:
.3 fundamentals of automation, automatic control systems and technology.
.4 instrumentation, alarm and monitoring systems.
.5 electrical drives.
.7 coupling, load sharing and changes in electrical configuration.

Function: Maintenance and repair at the support level

Contribute to the maintenance and repair of electrical systems and machinery on board.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Safety and emergency procedures
Test, detect faults and maintain and restore electrical control equipment and machinery to operating condition.

Utskriven 08 maj 2024 kl 21:27